Saturday, 30 July 2011

Be thankful for what seems like the small things in life. We are so blessed!

Valance and Jean cooking Mark and I lunch.

Teaching english.

Some of the boys from my (Kim) morning english class. Great group of guys!

Street corn!  We usually eat this at least 2 or 3 times a week for lunch. A little chewy, but I love it.
It only cost 100 Rwandan Francs.  ( less than .17 cents)
Not bad for a filling lunch!

Mark and John building a table together.

Kids are SO often seen trying to help Mark build things.  It's pretty cute. He is so good with them, and lets them do differnt things and will teach even the youngest kids.  The little guy in the red, put the pencil behind his ear 'just like Mark' does.  Amazing how closely they watch him and want to be like him:)
This is Gilbert. He is 17 years old and he and his Mom are apart of the Ubuzima group.  He painted this picture of a gorilla .... and we bought it from him! 

Going fishing!!

I love cows, Mark and this incredible view!


This is the street we live on here is Kigali.  We live 3 gates past the Minagri sign on the left.

Looking out over the homes here in Kigali Rwanda, and thanking God for our ' home' in Canada.

The start of a LONG walk to get water!

On the way back from getting water.

Stop and think of what your life would be like if you couldn't turn on a tap in your house and get water.
Be thankful for what may seem like the small things in life!!!!
We are so blessed!

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